Each year, the Cathedral of Saint Paul welcomes thousands of visitors from all over the world. The Cathedral is recognized as an historical landmark, one of the most prominent buildings in Minnesota, and as a center of spiritual worship.
GUIDED TOURS Be inspired by our Docent Highlights Tours, which occur at 1:00 p.m., Mondays through Fridays (except holy days, civil holidays, and during scheduled liturgical events). Tours are approximately one hour in length. A recommended tour donation of $5 per person may be made on our Tour Donation Link at cathedralsaintpaul.org/tour, or at the Tour Desk which is located near the narthex in the main church.
To ensure availability for individuals and groups, we require all visitors requesting a Guided Tour to book in advance by contacting the Tour Department via email at [email protected].
You may also complete the Tour Availability Form. Inquiries will be responded to in a timely manner. For questions about tour reservations, please call 651.357.1327, or email us at [email protected].
Please note: As the Cathedral is an active place of worship, daily tours and visits may be canceled in deference to special liturgical events.
All tours are subject to availability.
SELF-GUIDED VISITS Individuals who would like to walk through the Cathedral utilizing our Virtual Tour (www.stpaulcathedraltour.com) are welcome to do so. Groups are encouraged to contact the Tour Department at 651-357-1327, or email us at [email protected], to confirm church availability. Self-Guided Tour Booklets are also available at the Tour Desk for $4.
Sorry, outside tour guides and leaders are not permitted to lead groups on guided tours of the Cathedral.
PILGRIMAGES If you would like to schedule a church or school pilgrimage, please also contact the Tour Department or complete the Tour Availability Form for special arrangements.
VIRTUAL TOURS View a series of videos on your computer or mobile device that will take you on a tour of the Cathedral. Use the map to select a brief tour of any section of the Cathedral, or view them all for a full tour.
Or, find us on Google Maps. The 360° panoramic tour allows you to look up, down, and all around you as you "walk" throughout the Cathedral. Click the box in the upper right-hand corner of the tour image to view it in full screen mode.